
Starbucks & My Journey

In December 2015 I saw that Starbucks had asked creatives from around the world to draw on their red cups and I thought it would be fun to do one of my own so I was looking around my home for inspiration and when I looked at my tree I thought about how beautiful the lights were.

After I finished I thought to my self it would be fun to take a picture of my cup in my tree. Next thing I knew Starbucks slid into my DM’s and I was being asked to mail in my cup.

I was fortunate to be the main design Starbucks chose to feature around the world. My Design was featured at the closing of the commercial, on Gift Cards and listed in all their displays as “our favorite design”.

I will forever feel blessed to be part of the 13 customer designs that were selected from six countries in 2016 to represent the collective spirit of the holidays around the world. Our designs were featured on the holiday cups served in the more than 25,000 Starbucks stores in 75 countries!

Update: In 2017 Starbucks asked me to be part of the new launch of Starbucks red cups. We were sent the most wonderful gift package and asked to open it the day before the cups were announced to help promote the new cups.

My Original Photo that started it all.

My Original Photo that started it all.

2017 Starbucks Red Cup Launch.

2017 Starbucks Red Cup Launch.